
Vidazen wants you to be fully satisfied with your Vidazen purchase.

All Purchases made on this Site can be returned for a full refund for any reason so long as the return shipping date is made within 30 calendar days of your original purchase order shipping date. You will be refunded to your original method of payment. Refunds may take 14 days for processing.

Please ship your return to the following address:

email for more info.

You will receive a confirmation email notifying you when your return was received and that your refund is being processed.

You may ship your return using any method, however, Vidazen advises that you retain your tracking receipt as Vidazen is not responsible for any lost returns.

Vidazen will reimburse up to $5.95 for your cost of shipping and handling fees.

For orders that arrived damaged or where incorrect, Vidazen does not require the product to be returned. Vidazen is unable to offer exchanges at this time.